Social Seas offers a curated selection of outdoor tableware and gifts that are perfect for entertaining by the pool, at the beach, in your backyard and on your boat. Our best selling products are acrylic glasses, melamine trays, block-print linens and beautiful serving pieces. Our products are curated yet practical, much like our approach to outdoor entertaining with family and friends.
Jennifer Miller, the Founder of Social Seas, approaches meal time and entertaining just like she does in her home – planning dishes that are easy to prepare and delicious to eat. Preparing dishes quickly, while combining store-bought ingredients with fresh, have been her guiding principles when bringing together family and friends. It should come as no surprise that she expects her outdoor tableware to be equally simple and sophisticated.
We promise to make entertaining both elegant and easy by offering products of outstanding quality and sensible handling that are beautifully designed. Along the way, we will show you all of our tips and tricks for approaching outdoor entertaining with elegance and ease.